

Date: 4. November 2021
Time: 0:00 - 0:00
Show info button: show
Show event location: show
Show event stand: show
Show stand support: show
Show speaker: show
Show event lecture: show
Show event organizer: show
Show website of the organizer: show
Languages: en
Webinar Human
Zervix-Dysplasien und HPV-Belastungen mykotherapeutisch behandeln

Zervix-Dysplasien und HPV-Belastungen mykotherapeutisch behandeln

Date: 21. Oktober 2021
Time: 0:00 - 0:00
Show info button: show
Show event location: show
Show event stand: show
Show stand support: show
Show speaker: show
Show event lecture: show
Show event organizer: show
Show website of the organizer: show
Languages: en
Webinar Human

45. Interbiologica in Wiesbaden

Start date: 2. Juli 2022
End date: 3. Juli 2022
Time: 0:00 - 0:00
Show info button: hide
Event Location: RheinMain Congress Center Wiesbaden
Location street and house: Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 1
Location postal code and city: 65185 Wiesbaden
Show event location: show
Show event stand: hide
Show stand support: hide
Show speaker: hide
Show event lecture: hide
Show event organizer: hide
Website of the organizer:
Show website of the organizer: show
Languages: de
Messen und Kongresse


Date: 14. Mai 2022
Time: 0:00 - 0:00
Show info button: show
Show event location: show
Show event stand: show
Show stand support: show
Show speaker: show
Show event lecture: show
Show event organizer: show
Show website of the organizer: show
Languages: en


Date: 13. Mai 2022
Time: 0:00 - 0:00
Show info button: show
Show event location: show
Show event stand: show
Show stand support: show
Show speaker: show
Show event lecture: show
Show event organizer: show
Show website of the organizer: show
Languages: en
Schulungen für Therapeuten


Start date: 30. Oktober 2021
End date: 3. November 2021
Time: 0:00 - 0:00
Show info button: show
Show event location: show
Show event stand: show
Show stand support: show
Show speaker: show
Show event lecture: show
Show event organizer: show
Show website of the organizer: show
Languages: en
Schulungen für Therapeuten

17. Norddeutscher Heilpraktikerkongress Hamburg Wilhelmsburg

Start date: 20. November 2021
End date: 21. November 2021
Time: 0:00 - 0:00
Show info button: hide
Event Location: Inselparkhalle Hamburg Wilhelmsburg
Location street and house: Kurt-Emmerich-Platz 10-12
Location postal code and city: 21109 Hamburg
Show event location: show
Show event stand: hide
Stand Support: Dr. Dorothee Bös
Show stand support: show
Show speaker: hide
Show event lecture: hide
Show event organizer: show
Website of the organizer:
Show website of the organizer: show
Languages: de
Messen und Kongresse
Prostata – Beschwerden und Erkrankungen mit Vitalpilzen verhindern und behandeln

Prostata – Beschwerden und Erkrankungen mit Vitalpilzen verhindern und behandeln

Date: 28. September 2021
Time: 0:00 - 0:00
Show info button: show
Show event location: show
Show event stand: show
Show stand support: show
Show speaker: show
Show event lecture: show
Show event organizer: show
Show website of the organizer: show
Languages: en
Webinar Human

TheraPro Stuttgart: ABGESAGT!!!

Start date: 28. Januar 2022
End date: 30. Januar 2022
Time: 0:00 - 0:00
Show info button: hide
Event Location: Landesmesse Stuttgart
Location street and house: Messepiazza 1
Location postal code and city: 70629 Stuttgart
Show event location: show
Show event stand: hide
Stand Support: Dr. Dorothee Bös
Show stand support: show
Show speaker: hide
Show event lecture: hide
Event Organizer: Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH
Show event organizer: show
Website of the organizer:
Show website of the organizer: show
Languages: de
Messen und Kongresse

ASA TCM-Kongress in Solothurn (CH)

Start date: 18. November 2021
End date: 20. November 2021
Time: 0:00 - 0:00
Show info button: hide
Event Location: Landhaus + Jugendherberge Solothurn
Show event location: show
Show event stand: hide
Stand Support: Dipl.-Biol. Dorothee Ogroske, Heilpraktikerin, Mykotherapeutin
Show stand support: show
Show speaker: hide
Show event lecture: hide
Event Organizer: Veronika Thalmann & Partner GmbH
Show event organizer: show
Website of the organizer:
Show website of the organizer: show
Languages: de
Messen und Kongresse