Krebspatienten mit Vitalpilzen integrativ unterstützen Date: 2. Juli 2024Time: 0:00 - 0:00Event external link: external link target: _blankShow info button: showShow event location: showShow event stand: showShow stand support: showShow speaker: showShow event lecture: showShow event organizer: showShow website of the organizer: showLanguages: deWebinar Human
Hautgesundheit von innen heraus Date: 19. Juni 2024Time: 0:00 - 0:00Event external link: external link target: _blankShow info button: showShow event location: showShow event stand: showShow stand support: showShow speaker: showShow event lecture: showShow event organizer: showShow website of the organizer: showLanguages: deWebinar Human
PCO-Syndrom – Hilfe durch Heilpilze Date: 4. Juni 2024Time: 0:00 - 0:00Event external link: external link target: _blankShow info button: showShow event location: showShow event stand: showShow stand support: showShow speaker: showShow event lecture: showShow event organizer: showShow website of the organizer: showLanguages: deWebinar Human
Fortbildung “Integrative Onkologie”, 11-teilig Date: 25. September 2024All-day eventEvent external link target: _blankShow info button: hideEvent Location: Naturheilzentrum SendenLocation street and house: Wilhelm-Haverkamp-Straße 21Location postal code and city: 48308 SendenShow event location: showShow event stand: hideShow stand support: hideSpeaker: Dipl.-Biol. Dorothee Ogroske und Dr. rer. med. Dorothee BösShow speaker: showShow event lecture: hideEvent Organizer: Hufeland-Schule - Naturheilzentrum SendenShow event organizer: showWebsite of the organizer: website of the organizer: showLanguages: deMessen und Kongresse
Metabolisches Syndrom und Hypertonie – Ursachen, Diagnostik und die Therapie mit Vitalpilzen Date: 21. Mai 2024Time: 0:00 - 0:00Event external link: external link target: _blankShow info button: showShow event location: showShow event stand: showShow stand support: showShow speaker: showShow event lecture: showShow event organizer: showShow website of the organizer: showLanguages: deWebinar Human
COPD besser durchatmen mit Vitalpilzen Date: 7. Mai 2024Time: 19:00 - 21:00Event external link: external link target: _blankShow info button: showShow event location: showShow event stand: showShow stand support: showShow speaker: showShow event lecture: showShow event organizer: showShow website of the organizer: showLanguages: deMore infoWebinar Human
ME/CFS – Erfahrungen mit Vitalpilzen Date: 17. April 2024Time: 19:00 - 21:00Event external link: external link target: _blankShow info button: showShow event location: showShow event stand: showShow stand support: showShow speaker: showShow event lecture: showShow event organizer: showShow website of the organizer: showLanguages: deMore infoWebinar Human
Histamin-Intoleranz – Diagnose und Behandlung: im Focus Vitalpilze Date: 2. April 2024Time: 19:00 - 21:00Event external link: external link target: _blankShow info button: showShow event location: showShow event stand: showShow stand support: showShow speaker: showShow event lecture: showShow event organizer: showShow website of the organizer: showLanguages: deMore infoWebinar Human
Vitalpilze gegen Allergien, Asthma und Neurodermitis Date: 20. März 2024Time: 19:00 - 21:00Event external link: external link target: _blankShow info button: showShow event location: showShow event stand: showShow stand support: showShow speaker: showShow event lecture: showShow event organizer: showShow website of the organizer: showLanguages: deMore infoWebinar Human
Vitalpilze sanft und doch potent bei chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen Date: 21. Februar 2024Time: 19:00 - 21:00Event external link: external link target: _blankShow info button: showShow event location: showShow event stand: showShow stand support: showShow speaker: showShow event lecture: showShow event organizer: showShow website of the organizer: showLanguages: deMore infoWebinar Human